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University Times: Seven Societies Derecogonised at CSC Michaelmas Meeting


Seven societies were derecognised at the Central Societies Committee’s (CSC) Michaelmas Term General Meeting, held on 28th September 2023.

The seven societies were: Dance, Geographical, Arabesque, Nursing & Midwifery, Pool, Public H

ealth and TedX.

A society will automatically be derecognised by the CSC if it fails to present satisfactory accounts for two consecutive years. Every year a deadline is released by the CSC by which time societies must hand in their accounts. This year the deadline was August 31st, 2023. Unsatisfactory accounts could include accounts handed in late for two years. It is the job of a society’s treasurer to hand in their society’s accounts to the CSC Treasurer by the deadline each year.

Arabesque, Geographical, Nursing & Midwifery, Pool, Public Health and TedX societies failed to submit their financial reports by the August 31st deadline for this year. As their accounts were also unsatisfactory the year before they were automatically derecognised by the CSC.

Though Dance Society did manage to hand in their financial records, they were unsatisfactory for the second year in a row, and thus the society was automatically derecognised by the CSC.

Fourteen other societies failed to submit their financial reports by the August 31st deadline automatically rendering their accounts unsatisfactory. However as this was not a second consecutive year that they had unsatisfactory accounts, they were not automatically derecognised. The fourteen societies were: Amnesty, Clinical Therapies, Food & Drink, Global Development, Horse Racing, Indian, Jewish Students, Juggling, Labour, Neuroscience, Science Fiction, Social Democrats, Student Managed Fund and Zoology societies. If these societies have unsatisfactory accounts next year, they will be automatically derecognised.

Any student who has joined a society that was then derecognised by the CSC will be refunded, the CSC stated.

A society that has been derecognised may continue to function but it is not able to secure amenities or funding, such as travel grants, from the CSC until the society is formally recognised again.

DU Geographical and DU Dance are continuing to run like functioning societies after the CSC’s rulings. They are both holding events next week. DU Geographical has a link to the petition to get the society to be recognised by the CSC again in their Instagram page bio.

Since the rulings, Public Health Society, Arabesque and TedX have not been active on their society’s instagram pages.

If a society which has been derecognised wishes to be reinstated, it must go through the same procedure that a new society wanting to be recognised goes through. This involves collecting 200 signatures and I.D. numbers from students and staff in a petition. That petition must then be submitted to the CSC before the end of Week 12 in the Michaelmas term.

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